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To support the UK Government's Net Zero goals, the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) are focused on reducing energy consumption and costs across their prison estate.
At a glance
- This project forms part of our ongoing work contract with the MOJ and HMPPS to achieve Net Zero targets across prison estates as part of our total facilities management contract.
- We installed smart metering technology and automatic meter reading (AMR) to more accurately track energy usage and make data driven decisions to reduce electricity usage across 36 prison sites.
- Leveraging our knowledge and expertise in the prison estate, we managed the installation of the project in external buildings, working collaboratively with the utility provider and MOJ staff at individual sites to ensure the project’s secure and timely completion.
- Modernising the energy metering infrastructure of these 36 sites has given prison governors and estate managers insights into energy usage and waste, supporting carbon and cost savings across the prison estate.
- The project has supported the client in formulating long-term strategies and incorporating innovative solutions for future client spend proposals, such as water flow metering, water leak reduction initiatives, and additional utility works.
Key metrics
kWh of energy saved
tCO2e reduction in carbon emissions
value saving compared to 2019 baseline figures
Many older buildings lack energy efficiency, leading to higher utility bills. We partnered with MOJ and HMPPS to help address this by installing electric smart metering technology and automatic meter reading (AMR) in 36 prisons, to enable the use of smart meter data to improve energy management and reduce operational costs.