Strategic Consulting constructed ‘Tier 1’ and ‘Tier 2’ (portfolio and cohort) models for a number of key asset types. These models combined data from across NR’s numerous but disparate asset management systems and took into account tonnage, deterioration, intervention strategy and input cost, among other factors. These models enabled Network Rail to predict, for the first time, the long-term outcomes and efficiency of their policies, and to improve their investment planning, budgeting, and scenario planning. We have worked for Network Rail across two five-yearly regulatory submissions, providing sophisticated investment and decision analysis tools, with the aim of supporting investment planning and allocation across the new Network Rail regions.
Our models were of sufficient quality to provide evidence to the regulator (ORR) for Network Rail’s capital and operational planning for structures, civils and track. Other comparable assets did not achieve this due to a lack of evidence provided to the regulator. Our work has contributed to Network Rail securing over £1billion in funding from the regulator.